Rabbis on LGBTQ Issues

Can gay and lesbian teens find a home in Orthodoxy?

Can gay and lesbian teens find a home in Orthodoxy?

Originally posted on The Jewish Journal By eighth grade, Micha Thau knew he was gay. But he also knew that being gay was not acceptable in many of the Orthodox spaces he inhabited. So he buried that part of himself. But it didn’t stay buried. He began to suffer headaches, vertigo and other physical symptoms [more]
Why Orthodox synagogues should welcome gay couples

Why Orthodox synagogues should welcome gay couples

  A halachic approach to the inclusion of same-sex couples in Orthodox communities by Rabbi Dr. Zev Farber Orthodox Jewish homosexuals in committed relationships who wish to remain part of the community are often stuck having to leave the latter or hide the former. Many Orthodox communities are in a similar quandary, wishing to be [more]
Coming Out Orthodox

Coming Out Orthodox

by: Rabbi Haim Ovadia Today I would like to address a question presented to me by many orthodox parents, but first, a brief introduction. It seems that the phrase dreaded by most parents is: Mom, Dad, there's something I need to tell you. Over the years, I have counseled many parents, and have been very [more]