Nov 1, 2019 | Parsha Notes
Parashat Noach - By Rabbi Steve Greenberg - Noah and Abraham are both paragons of righteousness. While both characters are deemed virtuous, it is not the similarity of these two moral giants that is highlighted by the biblical text and its interpreters, but their difference. Noah's righteousness is seen as relative and limited, while Abraham's [more]
Oct 25, 2019 | Parsha Notes
Parashat Bereishit - Rabbi Steve Greenberg - The starting point of the Genesis story is God. Before creation, God fills existence. There is no-thing else, no place for an-other. God’s oneness is without division or separation. One is always all-powerful without needing any power-over to be so. One is stable and sure, unchanging and [more]
Oct 31, 2018 | Parsha Notes
Parashat VaYeira - By Miryam Kabakov - The Eshel community was invited to spend a recent Shabbat with the Sixth Street and Stanton Street shuls, two Orthodox communities on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The hospitality, hachnassat orchim, extended by these shuls made us feel like these were our communities. Orthodox allies intermingled, learned together, ate and [more]