Nov 21, 2019 | Parsha Notes, Torah
Parashat Chayei Sarah - By Maharat Ruth Friedman - In this week’s parsha, Avraham, who has spent much of the time we have known him wandering, wishes to establish roots in Hevron. The death of Sarah creates a need for him to pay honor to her, and so after his initial mourning, Avraham approaches the [more]
Nov 12, 2019 | Parsha Notes, Torah
Parashat VaYeira - By Rabbi Steve Greenberg - Three tired and hungry travelers are accosted by an old man. He is running, actually limping toward them. He beseeches them to come back with him and to take some nourishment, some food and drink, to rest their feet for a bit in his home. He prepares [more]
Nov 8, 2019 | Parsha Notes, Torah
Parashat Lech Lecha - By Dr. Sunnie Epstein, Director Welcoming Shuls Project, Eshel - Our Parsha begins as G-d instructs Avram to leave all that he knows from the past – his land, his birthplace, and his father’s house. He is called to completely cut himself off from all that has occurred in his [more]
Nov 1, 2019 | Parsha Notes
Parashat Noach - By Rabbi Steve Greenberg - Noah and Abraham are both paragons of righteousness. While both characters are deemed virtuous, it is not the similarity of these two moral giants that is highlighted by the biblical text and its interpreters, but their difference. Noah's righteousness is seen as relative and limited, while Abraham's [more]
Oct 25, 2019 | Parsha Notes
Parashat Bereishit - Rabbi Steve Greenberg - The starting point of the Genesis story is God. Before creation, God fills existence. There is no-thing else, no place for an-other. God’s oneness is without division or separation. One is always all-powerful without needing any power-over to be so. One is stable and sure, unchanging and [more]