
Videos, speakers, and panels of interest

Orthodox Israeli religious leaders ask the LGBT community for forgiveness

Orthodox Israeli religious leaders ask the LGBT community for forgiveness

Rabbis, religious leaders ask LGBT community for forgiveness In the traditional Jewish period for making peace with one's neighbor during the High Holy Days, a group of leading Modern Orthodox figures have released a video apologizing for other rabbis' statements against LGBT persons this past year. Kobi Nachshoni|Published:  09.10.16 , 13:56  Ynetnews (Below is an [more]
Generous Orthodoxy

Generous Orthodoxy

“Generous Orthodoxy” is the story of Chester Wenger, a 98-year-old Mennonite minister who chose to confront his own church over a question of deepest principle. It asks: What do you do when the institution that has defined your life comes between you and your family?  Wenger offers all of us a master class in the [more]
Miryam Kabakov on “The Joy of Text”

Miryam Kabakov on “The Joy of Text”

"The Joy of Text," podcast about Judaism and sexuality co-hosted by Rabbi Dov Linzer and Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus, interviews Eshel Executive Director Miryam Kabakov. Listen at

From Conversion Therapy to a Rainbow Yarmulke

WYNC's podcast, "Death, Sex & Money," talks to Benjy Ungar and Chaim Levin about their experiences with conversion therapy and their ultimate legal victory over the now-defunct JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality). Click here to listen.
Panel Discussion: The LGBT Community and Orthodoxy

Panel Discussion: The LGBT Community and Orthodoxy

To date, the Orthodox community has not successfully paved a path for keeping those in the LGBT community within Orthodoxy. This inability has driven many in the LGBT community out of Orthodoxy, despite their desire to remain part of the Orthodox community. To begin a discussion on this important issue - one that impacts either [more]