Aug 3, 2015 | Eshel in the News, Featured Articles
Translation of Rav Benny Lau’s speech, given at the rally in Kikar Zion, on the Motzei Shabbat following the stabbings at the Jerusalem Pride Parade If a corpse will be found on the land… And it was not known who smote him… And all the elders of that city shall speak up and say, [more]
May 20, 2015 | Eshel in the News, Featured Articles
Q&A Rabbi Steven Greenberg: Don't demonize gay Jews [see the full article] Jodie Shupac, Staff Reporter, Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Tags: News Boston Conservative Judaism Eshel Kadimah-Toras Moshe LGBTQ Jews Orthodox Judaism Orthodoxy Reform Judaism Temple Kol Ami Yitz Greenberg Rabbi Steven Greenberg Temple Kol Ami, a Reform congregation in Thornhill, in April hosted Rabbi Steven [more]
Apr 20, 2015 | Eshel in the News, Featured Articles, Media
Out in the Open It’s no doubt at the forefront of the minds of the approximately 45 attendees at this weekend’s Eshel retreat — designed to support Orthodox parents of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender children — that the Supreme Court will hear arguments to decide whether the Constitution allows for a state to [more]
Apr 20, 2015 | Eshel in the News, Featured Articles, Media
‘Safe Spaces’ For Orthodox LGBTQ Students Spreads On Campus Program that began at YU gets new grant and intercampus launch [See full article] Jewish college students gather for LGBTQ “safe space” seminar, a series of training sessions for campus leaders. Rachael Fried, a 27-year-old graduate of Stern College, spent years formulating one three-word bombshell of [more]
Apr 20, 2015 | Eshel in the News, Featured Articles, Media
Out, Proud, and Kinda Loud at Yeshiva University Students are challenging the Modern Orthodox school’s traditional stance on LGBT issues [See full article] Dasha Sominski rushed into the Shabbat service reeking of smoke and perfume, her curly blue bangs covering her right eye. She had skipped all the prayers and rituals. It was a [more]
Jun 17, 2014 | Featured Articles
By Rabbi Steven Greenberg In 1952, my dad was a popular senior on his high school football team and my mother was a recent immigrant from war-torn France. It was my father’s protective instinct that caused him to intervene one day to help a newly arrived French girl navigate their American high school, an instinct, [more]