Mar 28, 2019 | Events, South Florida Events
Back By Popular Demand! Eshel South Florida will have a Pre-Pesach Get-Together on Sunday April 7, 7:00 pm at the same location as last time! Light dinner willbe served. It's Miami Pride Weekend so it's a great time for us to show our pride and unity. For location and more information, and to RSVP, please [more]
Aug 30, 2018 | Events, Parent Events
[button link="" type="big" newwindow="yes"] Register Here[/button] Join us at the Sixth annual Eshel Parent Retreat at the Pearlstone Conference & Retreat Center with Special Guest: Rabbi Shlomo Riskin A weekend of learning and camaraderie in a community of Orthodox parents who have LGBTQ children of all ages. Retreat includes: · Modern [more]
Nov 2, 2016 | Events, Parent Events, Upcoming Events
This group is for Orthodox Jewish parents with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender children seeking peer support. We will also discuss ways to help parents and families navigate in their communities and to become advocates for their children. This group meets by phone conference call at 6 PM PT/8 PM CT/ 9 PM ET on [more]