Shuls, schools, teens and parents: What do they have in store for our LGBTQ youth?
What: Join us for a Shabbat with the Sixth Street Community Synagogue
Join Eshel for an inspirational Welcoming Shuls Shabbat with the Sixth Street Community Synagogue on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. This Shabbaton will bring together Orthodox and traditional LGBT Jews of all kinds from the New York area to an event aimed to create a community of support, learning, growth and leadership.
The Shabbaton will include three Shabbat meals together, sessions, davening, and song. We cannot guarantee housing, but will do our best to accommodate those who need a place to stay.
Schedule overview:
Friday night Mincha 6 pm followed by dinner
Shabbat Day: 8:15- Daf Yomi
Shacharit- 9 am
Mincha – 5:15 pm followed by Seudah Shlishit
We are committed to making our LES event accessible to all; let us know if there is any reason you cannot attend. Write to us at
If you are a full time student, we have a special student rate.
Need financial aid? Inquire at