Bibliography of Contemporary Orthodox Responses to Homosexuality by the Academy for Torah Initiatives and Directions
Judaism and Homosexuality: An Authentic Orthodox View by Rabbi Chaim Rapoport
Keep Your Wives Away from Them: Orthodox Women, Unorthodox Desires Edited by Miryam Kabakov
Wrestling with God and Men: Homosexuality in the Jewish Tradition by Rabbi Steven Greenberg
In This Day And Age?! A Community at the Crossroads of Religion and Homosexuality by Dr. Isaac Namdar
DEVOUT is a 37-minute documentary film that follows the lives of seven women in New York and New Jersey who are trying to reconcile their alternative sexuality with their commitment to Orthodox Judaism. Their faith has always condemned homosexuality in the harshest terms. Find out how Chani, Pam, Elissa, Hayley, Lina and “Miriam” have dealt with being “unacceptable” while still remaining devoted to their strict faith and community.
Trembling Before G-d
Landmark film about gay Orthodox Jews. Site features curriculum and discussion guide.