As the new calendar year begins, Eshel’s staff members are taking stock of what lies ahead in the new year, both for Eshel and ourselves. While we’ll be sharing some of Eshel’s big plans for the future later, here’s a glimpse into our personal aspirations for the year. These goals help us to dream big, focus on what is within our control, and to celebrate the small wins.
We hope these goals might inspire you to think about your own visions for growth for yourself as well as the Jewish LGBTQ+ community.
Miryam Kabakov, Executive Director: I will be setting a reminder to take a few moments every week to have gratitude for how far we have come in creating Orthodox LGBTQ+ inclusive communities.
Rabbi Steve Greenberg, Founding Director: My goal is to restart journaling a few times weekly, to capture and reflect upon my thoughts and feelings.
Sara Singer, Director of Marketing and Communication: This year, I want to find new ways to make davening meaningful for me.
Ely Winkler, Director of Advancement: I want to work harder to see more of the positives in friendships, community, and the world around me.
Sunnie Epstein, Director of the Welcoming Shuls Project: My goal is to continue to live a balanced life with learning, helping others, finding joy and reaching out to those I love each day.
Jamie Lebovics, Marketing Associate: I would like to cook more Jewish foods from different places and traditions.
Meira Davidowitz, Grants and Office Manager: I want to read more more books that center Jewish people, history, and experiences.
LV Weiss, New York Program Manager: My goal is to not miss any learning sessions with my chevruta!
Bracha Fine, Social Work Intern: My goal is to engage more in Orthodox communal spaces, contributing to greater visibility and fostering acceptance.