
Eshel Brooklyn Women’s LBTQ+ Meetup

Women's New York Area Meetup on Zoom What: Meet other individuals who identify as female and who are exploring their Orthodox LGBTQ+ identities. When: Meeting Weekly: Every Tuesday from 8:30 […]


Parents Drop-In Support Group

Drop-in every Wednesday to shmooze, chat, ask questions, and hear topics of interest! For notifications and sign-in information, please fill out the form below. (You only need to register for this […]


South Florida LGBTQ+ & Parents Meetup

What: Meet other LGBTQ+ individuals in the area of Miami, Florida! Family members and relatives of LGBTQ+ folks are also welcome to join! Our coordinators speak Spanish and French. When: […]


Women’s LBTQ+ Support Group

Women's New York Area Meetup on Zoom What: Meet other individuals who identify as female and who are exploring their Orthodox LGBTQ+ identities. When: Meeting Weekly: Every THURSDAY (Previously Tuesday) […]

Baltimore Sukkot Party

Monday, October 21 from 7:00 - 9:00 pmIn Person - Location provided upon registration. Celebrate Sukkot with our Baltimore/DC Eshel family! Join us to celebrate with other LGBTQ+ Jews and […]

Parents Drop-In Support Group

Drop-in every Wednesday to shmooze, chat, ask questions, and hear topics of interest! For notifications and sign-in information, please fill out the form below. (You only need to register for this […]

Parents Drop-In Support Group

Drop-in every Wednesday to shmooze, chat, ask questions, and hear topics of interest! For notifications and sign-in information, please fill out the form below. (You only need to register for this […]

Eshel Baltimore/DC Parents & LGBTQ+ Joint Meetup

Get together with our Baltimore/DC Eshel family for an early Hannukah party! WHAT: A private gathering for LGBTQ+ individuals who are Orthodox, Ortho-curious or formerly Orthodox and for traditional Jewish […]

Orthodox+* People of Trans Experience Support Group

Welcome to Eshel's Meetup! What: This virtual support group will be a space for people who identify as transgender, non-binary, and gender questioning. All shades of Orthodox including Chareidi, Modern […]

Eshel Brooklyn Women’s LBTQ+ Meetup

Women's New York Area Meetup on Zoom What: Meet other individuals who identify as female and who are exploring their Orthodox LGBTQ+ identities. When: Meeting Weekly: Every THURSDAY (Previously Tuesday) […]

Eshel Baltimore/DC Parents & LGBTQ+ Joint Meetup

Get together with our Baltimore/DC Eshel family. Join us in this intimate, confidential setting to meet others, like yourself, in the extended Eshel network. WHAT: A private gathering for LGBTQ+ […]


Eshel Toronto & Montreal LGBTQ+ Meetup

This bi-weekly group for Toronto/Montreal LGBTQ+ folks from Orthodox communities generally meets over Zoom the second Monday of every month, and in-person in Toronto on the fourth Tuesday of the […]


Eshel New York City LGBTQ+ Meetup

Calling all adult members of the NYC queer community who are Orthodox, formerly Orthodox, or “Ortho-curious.” If you are interested in connecting with other individuals who are exploring their Orthodox […]



Eshel Brooklyn Women’s LBTQ+ Meetup

Women's New York Area Meetup on Zoom What: Meet other individuals who identify as female and who are exploring their Orthodox LGBTQ+ identities. When: Meeting Weekly: Every Tuesday from 8:30 […]


Eshel Orthodox Parents Phone-in Support Group

Phone In: Nation Wide

What: This group is for Orthodox Jewish parents with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender children seeking peer support. We will also discuss ways to help parents and families navigate in […]
